International Program: Friday, May 26


Cardiovascular Imaging

Chair: F. Bamberg (Germany) / J. Lotz (Germany)
8:00 – 9:30

8:00 Myokardial Tissue Typing: honestly, why do we need it. MRI and CT and Outcome Data, Y. J. Kim (Korea)
8:20 CT Coronaries combined with Perfusion: Does it add Value to Patients Care and Outcome, N. Manabe (Japan)
8:40 Myokarditis and MRI: The Chinese Perspective, D. Li (China)
9:00 Evidence and Guidelines vs. individual Patient Care in Cardiovascular Imaging: Two Calls from either
Side of the Cake, J. Lotz / C. Jacobshagen (Germany)

Breast Imaging

Chair: C. Kuhl (Germany)
9:45 – 11:15

9:45   New Kids on the Block: Tomo, CESM, Breast-CT, PET/MRI, K. Pinker-Domenig (Austria)
10:05 Why Guidelines discourage the Use of Preoperative Breast MRI – and why this must change, J. Camps Herrero (Spain)
10:25 Screening for Breast Cancer: Where do we stand, and where do we go?, F. Gilbert (UK)

Liver cirrhosis: Diagnosis and Therapy

Chair: F. Wacker (Germany)
13:45 – 14:45

13:45 Nodular Changes in Cirrhosis, NN
14:05 Challenges and Pitfalls in CT and MRI Evaluationof Liver Cirrhosis from the Theory to the Practical Cases,
I.G. Lupescu (Romania)
14:25 Interventional Therapy in Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension, B. Meyer (Germany)

GAST 1 – What can we learn from each other?

Chair: D. Vorwerk (Germany)
15:00 – 16:30

15:00 Intro: What is GAST?, C. Calli (Turkey) / S. Wirth (Germany) / C. Herold (Austria)
15:10 Radiology in Turkey, in Austria, and in Germany: What can we learn?, T. Kaya (Turkey) / S. Wirth (Germany) / W. Jaschke (Austria)
15:40 Tuberculosis and Echinococcosis: Diagnose and Treatment, N. Elmas (Turkey)
16:05 Infection diseases of the CNS, E. Gizewski (Austria)

GAST 2 – How to handle current challenges?

Chair: T. Kaya (Germany)/ W. Schima (Austria)
16:45 – 18:15

16:45 Refugee Imaging: Challenges in Turkey, C. Calli / A. O. Alfatli (Turkey)
17:05 Mass Casualty Patients: Imaging of Terror and Assault Victims, S. Wirth (Germany)
17:30 Foreign Working Expericences, B. Akpinar (Turkey) / M. Mentes (Turkey) / U. Linsenmaier (Germany),
17:50 Panel Discussion: Migration, Integration, Gender Aspects, Cultural and Lifestyle Challenges, B. Akpinar (Turkey) / M. Mentes (Turkey) / U. Linsenmaier (Germany)


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